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Hyperkin SmartBoy

There are many people who think that using their smartphones is more than enough for satisfying their on-the-go gaming needs, whereas there are those old-school fans of retro games eager to turn their ultra-modern phones into retro consoles.

Thus, true connoisseurs of Nintendo’s retro Game Boy system will definitely appreciate Hyperkin Smart boy, the gadget that can be easily connected to your smartphone via and USB-C connection and be used as a controller.

Those who value retro game style will be pleasantly impressed by the way the gadget looks. It really resembles the gaming alien from the past.

Still, there is one more surprise! If you have an ancient Nintendo cartridge stashed somewhere in your closet, it is high time you retrieved it from there and put it right in the back of your SmartBoy.

Voila! Now your Android smartphone is officially turned into a retro video game console.
Still, despite the obvious SmartBoy’s advantages listed above, there are some pitfalls that should be considered by users prior to purchasing the product.

Many users who have already availed themselves of SmartBoy tend to complain of their inability to run original Nintendo cartridges on the gadget.

Still, in such cases, downloading GBA ROMs will be the best solution, since, SmartBoy can work surprisingly well with the games downloaded from the Internet.

Apart from compatibility issues, there is another problem you can experience while playing the games on the chosen peripheral. Those are unforgivably frequent freezes and lags occurring during the gameplay.

Moreover, every time you want to swap, stoop the game or exit the running application, you will need to yank your smartphone out of the peripheral, since there is no other smooth process to do those things.

Nevertheless, I have firmly decided to take advantage of Hyperkin SmartBoy to rekindle old-school game nostalgia, you are free to buy it, of course.